

Kubiza malini ukuthuthukisa umshini we-X-ray weselula ku-DR ephathekayo

Ikhasimende laboniswa ngokuthuthukisaIselula Drwomshini we-X-ray weselula. Manje inhlanganisela ephelele yobuchwepheshe bedijithali kanye ne-X-ray Photography Technology sekubonile ukusetshenziswa okubanzi kwe-X-ray Photography. Ubuchwepheshe be-Bedside Mobile Digital Photography Technology babeba khona. Iselula i-DRSHERS ngesikhathi esisha sedijithali ezithombeni eziseceleni kombhede. Mobile DR can quickly acquire and confirm photographic images after a few seconds of exposure, eliminating the need for complicated procedures such as traditional film processing and IP board information reading. Izithombe zingacutshungulwa esizeni, ukudluliswa kwenethiwekhi, nokuphrinta, okusebenzayo, okusheshayo, okusheshayo, okuqondile.

Mobile DR equipment, which uses digital image flat panel detectors instead of traditional film, directly captures X-ray images and converts them into high-definition digital images. Inezimpawu zokusebenza okulula, ukucabanga okusheshayo, nezithombe ezicacile. It provides effective image information for clinical practice in a timely manner, enabling patients to obtain diagnosis and treatment in a very short time. In addition, the DR imaging system can also store images, which can be taken continuously at the bedside, and the images are processed and then transmitted to the Zoomlion system, so as to detect lesions in time and make a clear diagnosis. The use of the mobile DR bedside camera not only speeds up the radiological diagnosis workflow and improves work efficiency, but also solves the problem that emergency, critical and severe patients cannot take films because they cannot move.

Iselula iDkt ingahlangabezana nezidingo zokuthwebula izithombe eziseceleni komnyango eMnyangweni we-Radiology, i-ICU, egumbini lokusebenza, i-neonatal Ward, njll; Unyawo nezinye izinto zokuhlola umzimba.

Okungenhla kungukuthi ukwethulwa mayelana nokuthuthuka komshini we-X-ray weselula kuyaIselula Dr. Inkampani yethu ingumkhiqizi ogxile ekukhiqizweni kwemishini ye-X-ray kanye nezesekeli zazo. Uma unemibuzo mayelana nalo mkhiqizo, sicela uxhumane nathi.

Iselula Dr

Isikhathi sePosi: Jun-08-2023